Christian Websites-Healing and Miracles
Sometimes it can be
confusing as to where to find good teaching on Biblical
subjects. I have endeavored to list some of the most
popular web sites that I have found to be more
and accept that healings and miracles are for today. There
are many more than what I have posted here. There are
constantly new websites being added so if you know of a web
site you think should be included (they must have definite
provable healings /miracles-please include proof
/references), please send me the information via the
"Contact Us" form. At the moment this is a personally set
up website and I don't have a lot of extra time, so please
be patient.
Christian Websites I Visit or Watch Most
note. You will find that these
ministries are often attacked or criticized by those who do
not either accept or yet understand the Biblical teaching
about the Holy Spirit and His gifts for today.
There may be
certain legitimate complaints about these individuals
and/or their ministries, just as there are about
every ministry.
I do not claim they are perfect in every way. For example,
if someone prophecies falsely but has real healings, accept
that they are not a prophet and pray that the Lord would
stop them from prophesying falsely. Those who say that
healings are demonic or of the devil are in fact, in a very
precarious position. Please pray for God to open up their
hearts to this part of the
However, I would advise everyone to take the time to make
sure you, yourself,
are grounded in the basics of the faith so that you will
not be deceived, no matter what your background is. We are
told to "Examine yourselves
to be sure you
are of the faith."
Each of us has to be careful of judging others' hearts
although it is good to correct one another in a Biblical
manner. James, one of the apostles, was corrected by Paul,
another apostle, for his attitude about not eating with
unbelievers. Many have read the Scripture that says "Many
will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not do many
miracles and prophesy in your name? and I will say Away
from me, all you who do evil" and paid attention to the
miracles and prophesying part, which is the wrong part to
focus on, as it says later "Do not forbid
prophesying". I believe we are to
focus on making sure we are not one of the "all you who do
evil" part of that Scripture and stand on our salvation
through the blood of Jesus.
The "700 Club"-CBN. This is the ministry I
wrote about in my article. The ministry has been on T.V.
continuously since 1966, is reported as being seen by
approximately one million viewers on a daily basis and can
be seen in more than 200 countries. The website is the most
extensive one to date that I have seen. They cover current
events and do certain movie/book/music reviews. It also has
a section with basic information on Biblical subjects,
including the gifts of the Holy Spirit and healings, as
well as a Question and Answer section on many topics. You
can watch their T.V. show online where they pray for people
and tell about healings/miracles/financial turnarounds etc.
They have a new online media area where you can download
short video clips of different people's testimonies of how
the Lord has healed them or fixed their financial
situations or set them free from drugs, etc. You can also
read about their world-wide relief programs through
"Operation Blessing" and find out about Regent University
and the American Center For Law and Justice.You can order
items, submit prayer requests or call their toll-free
number 24 hours of the day for prayer.
2) This is the website
of Benny Hinn, an evangelist, originally from Israel,
who has been holding regular evangelistic meetings in
the United states as well as overseas for over 30 years
(with a recently recorded turnout of 4 million people in
India). Benny Hinn's meetings are noted for the regular
occurrence of certain healings and deliverances. His
website contains information about his upcoming
meetings, his online signs & wonders school, as well
as articles on different Biblical topics, such as
healing, angels & demons,the Holy Spirit, prophecy,
healthy living, the anointing, etc.You can order items
online and also submit prayer requests.
3) This is the website
of John Hagee, a pastor and teacher from Texas. His
website is soon to be updated. It contains basic faith
information, an online catalog of teachings on many
subjects, including healing,the Holy Spirit and select
Christian movies. You can watch his Sunday programs
online. You can submit online prayer requests and order
4) This is the website
for Oral Roberts University. It also contains a link to
Oral Roberts Ministries at, where you can submit
prayer requests and order books. They have a nightly
T.V. show with music and healings, stating that they
have over 100,000 documented healings.
5) This is a website
that features Christian music that honors Jesus. There
are a variety of different music styles and musicians
represented, although most of the Christian music is of
more contemporary in nature. There are musicians such as
Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe, Steve Brock, Hillsong, Don
Moen, Ron Kenoly, Paul Wilbur, The Gaithers, Kutless,
Terry MacAlmon, Dennis Jernigan, Benny Hinn, Randy
Travis, The Newsboys, Skillet, Vicki Winans, Clint
Brown, Brian Doerksen, Jonathan Settel, Helen Shapiro,
Petra, Jason Upton, Aviad Cohen, Alan Jackson, Don &
Wendy Francisco, The Sons of Korah, Matthew Ward, Ted
Pearce, Casting Crowns, Steven Curtis Chapman, The
Homecoming Friends, Michael W. Smith, Avalon, and more.
The site also includes many Scriptures from The Torah
(The Old Testament) that were fulfilled by Jesus.
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