This website is to not
only bear witness to healing and the Lord Jesus but also to
offer the same hope to you. God is not a respecter of
persons. If you read through the Bible, Jesus healed
who came
to him,
even those who were very
Jesus is not
dead and He is the same yesterday, today and
forever.(Hebrews 13:8 NIV). If
you have trouble with your faith, be honest and be like the
man who came to Jesus and said "Lord, I believe; help me
with my unbelief."
If you want us to pray for you, we will be glad to. Just
fill out the form on the "Send Prayer Requests" page.
We would encourage you to also send your prayer requests to
those who already have well-established worldwide
ministries. These ministries also have 24 hour
live prayer ministries where you can call in and
have someone pray for you no matter what time of day or
night it is. Some of these are: - or call
1-800-759-0700 (CBN/700 Club); call 1-800-433-1900
(Benny Hinn Ministries); -or call 1-918-495-7777
(Abundant Prayer at Oral Roberts University); or or call
1-210-491-5100 (John Hagee Ministries)