Introduction to
Healings Today, Miracles Today
This is my
testimony website to show that
healings and
miracles are indeed still
This is by no means a "put down" of those who have not
received a healing or miracle for themselves or a healing
or miracle for a loved one. I have missed out on quite a
few healings and miracles myself but I have also
experienced/seen/heard of perhaps more healings and
miracles than quite a few other believers have.
It is my
belief now that many Christians today are missing out on
the healings and miracles that they could be receiving- due
to incorrect teaching/understanding or
I started this website as a way for me to tell my own
personal testimony of healing as I have not shared it as
much as I should have. I also want to give thanks to the
TODAY for my healing and my
son's healing (and other healings not written here). After
I acknowledged to myself what had actually happened, I
shared my experience with quite a few people. The reactions
varied, from attitudes like- "Huh?" (What in the world are
you talking about? God? Healing?) to "I think I understand
where you're coming from about healing but not completely"
to silence to anger to unbelief and rejection. Primarily
the response was silence, which you never know how to take.
The church has often been good at telling you how to get
saved, about what God was like in the past, what heaven
will be like or what God's word says about helping the
poor, finances, family relationships, about the Holy
Spirit/healings/miracles in the early church etc.
but has
missed out (in many churches) on what God is doing
today in the way of physical
healings and miracles. I had thought that
church people would rejoice, yet I found that our
testimonies about what God had done in our lives caused
some to think that either my husband and I were some great
"prophets or superspiritual people come to fix their
church" or else that we were "kooks". We found that those
in positions of leadership (at least those who did not have
experience with healing/miracles) were usually the ones who
were the most uncomfortable with our testimonies and/or our
great zeal.
The years seem to have slipped by very quickly but my
testimony hasn't changed. I am not lying about this. I'm
very aware of what the Bible says about liars. I have also
included photos and a newspaper article/photo to verify my
testimony. I have other testimonies of the miraculous that,
God willing, I will also be able to share.
It was this one experience that opened the door for me to
find out that there is
so much more that God has for us than
what I'd been taught. Before, I felt like I was "partway"
open to God but after this healing/miracle happened, I felt
open to embrace the whole gospel. In the book of the Gospel
According to John, it is written about his documentation of
Jesus, His teachings and His miracles- "these things are written
that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of
God, and that by believing you may have life in His
-(John 20:31 NIV).
May this testimony of healing/miracle be a current
verification of not only God's continued goodness, love and
mercy but also of Jesus' resurrection as the prophesied
Messiah, God's Son. The one God made both Lord and Christ
is still Lord and Christ and the New Covenant has been
brought in, still to be kept. Although many receive Christ
without needing to see a healing or a miracle, there are
also many who do need to see or experience
something supernatural before they will believe. Even one
of Jesus' twelve apostles, when told the others had seen
the Lord risen from the dead, said,"Unless I see the nail
marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails are,
and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it" (John
20:25 NIV).
in the miracles, that you may know and
understand that the Father is in me, and I in the
Father."-John 10:38
to me and I will answer you and tell you great and
unsearchable things you do not know."- Jeremiah 33:3
Christ is the same, yesterday and
today and forever."-Hebrews 13:8 NIV
"He who
spared not His own Son, will He not
also give us all things
pertaining to life and godliness?" -2Peter1:3 NIV
"I tell
you the
truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been
doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I
am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in
my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the
Father."- Gospel of John
14:12-13 NIV
" You
performed miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt and have
continued them to this day, both in Israel and among all
mankind, and have gained the renown that is still
Yours."- Jeremiah 32:20
All rights reserved. No parts may be reproduced in any
format without the author's written