Shorter Version of "Susan's" Healing

Some people don't like to read very much, so I also made a much shorter version. This simply gives the highlights of the original testimony.

1) I was told at about 15 weeks into my pregnancy that after many different and repeated tests had been done, that my unborn child had severe problems-either 1) hydroencephaly 2) spina bifida or 3) anencephaly. I was asked by 3 different doctors I had to see to consider abortion but I said "No."

2) I'd received a healing of my throat while watching the "700 Club" on T.V. so I learned to call on the Lord for help for my baby.

3) I was considered "very high risk" and put under the care of a doctor who was the head of Prenatal Care for Ontario/Canada(for mothers with "troubled pregnancies").

4) I was prayed over by a Pentecostal preacher and wife after praying for help for a long time. I felt a "warmth" go into my stomach.

5) After a very stressful pregnancy, I gave birth to a 9 lbs.4 oz. boy who tested 10/10 on the Apgar test at 3 minutes after birth.

6) He was tested after birth for several things as they could not believe that he was normal but he was fine.

7) My son is now in College. This event opened me to a new understanding of the gospel and I/others in our family have received other healings/miracles since then.